FixMyKite Slingshot/Cabrinha Complete Screw CAP ONLY Airlock 2

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FixMyKite Slingshot/Cabrinha Complete Screw CAP ONLY Airlock 2


The FixMyKite Slingshot/Cabrinha Complete Screw CAP ONLY  is the top screw portion with Cap for the new inflate/deflate screw valve that Slingshot now uses on their kites (some 2015 and newer) and Cabrinha on their kites (some 2014 and newer).

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This product does NOT include the base or Stick-on patch. This will NOT WORK in the old Airlock 1 valve base (Cabrinha Airlock with old-style cap, pre-2014), but WILL WORK in 2014 and newer Cabrinha Airlock 2 valves and Slingshot Complete valves. The convenient “built-in” pump adapter is actually all part of the valve itself rather than being an extra, loose piece, so there no more valve/pump adapter to get lost or need replacing.  It will hook up straight to any standard pump.  

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