13. To achieve a level cassette position relative to the bottom of the board, I recommend the use of a very simple install jig which can be attached to the box tracks and the same t-bolts use to mount a foil. So when I said simple it is just a small flat board that is slightly larger than the hole where the cassette is being installed. Additionally but not required, I actually use a tuttle adaptor plate attached to the alignment board then attached it to the cassette as it provides a good handle to insert and make needed minor adjustments during the glue in process.
14. When putting together the foil mount cassette and the alignment board you want to tape off the top of the cassette and the bottom of the alignment board (This will help keep excess glue from getting on these parts.) After taping it off then piece together the alignment board and cassette using your standard mounting T-Bolts. Note: make sure you draw any needed alignment markings on top of tape for quick reference during install.
15. The foil board itself at this time has the install hole and the target crosshair marking. Now you want to tape off the outside of the hole on both the deck and bottom. This will help keep excess glue from getting on board after the glue up process. Note: again may need to redraw alignment marking on top of tape for quietly reference during install.
16. At this point you have the board prepared with the area cut out where the foil mount cassette will be installed. Both the board and the cassette are clearly marked with target crosshair lines showing the center alignment for the install and finally the foil mount cassette has been fitted with an alignment board which is used to ensure the foil mount cassette is installed flush to the bottom of the foil board.
17. In leu of any sort of epoxy resin or resin slur being used for this install I highly recommend the use of Original Gorilla Glue. This glue is an expanding polyurethaning adhesive that is fast setting and will expand into every void and crevice for a very secure install. Plus you will not risk any sort of exotherm which may occur with a epoxy resin should enough resin pool.
18. To prepare the gorilla glue pour about 3oz to 4oz in a paper cup. Note: You want enough glue to be able to spread a thin layer on the inside walls of the cut out. To activate the glue add a very small amount of water to the glue and then vigorously stir the glue. (I attach a wire beater shaped out of a coat hanger on the end of a cordless drill to mix the gorilla clue and water.
19. Once activated the clock is ticking and the glue will start to expand. At this point you want to spread a thin layer of glue on the inside to the cutout wall ensure it there is coverage around the entire interior if the cutout.
20. Once the glue is spread take the foil mount cassette and slide it into the foil board making sure that the target cross hair marks are all in alignment.
21. At the same time make sure that the alignment board attached to the foil mount cassette is completely flush against the bottom of the foil board.
22. Hold the foil mount cassette in place and allow for the Gorilla glue to expand and set. Take care not to let the box come off its alignment marks as the glue expands. You will see glue exiting around the seam of the box and board as it expands and fills all the voids between the box and foil board.
23. Once the glue has set and hardened you can remove the alignment box, pull the tape and clean up any excess glue that expanded beyond the seam.
24. Flip the board over and there should be the excess high density foam of the cassette extending beyond the deck of the board. This foam needs to be cut down so it is flush to the deck. I use a flat hand saw and lay so that the deck is being used as the guide and saw of the excess foam. After the cut you can use a sanding block or pad to clean up the foam and blend into the deck.

25. At this point the cassette should be flush to the board on both the bottom and deck and the target cross hair marks should be in alignment so that the box is installed on the boards center line.
26. The final step of the install is to cap both the deck and the bottom of the foil mount cassette.
27. For capping the boxes I recommend using 1 layer of 4oz S-Glass and 1 Layer of 6oz Carbon Fiber.
28. Cut the glass/carbon so that it extends at least 1 to 2 inches beyond the perimeter of the foil mount cassette. This will ensure the foil load is somewhat distributed beyond the seam of the box.
29. These instructions will not go into the details on glassing. But you will need to cleanly tape of the box tracks. Tape off tracks and closely trim it to the edge of the track to ensure the cap lamination has a tight bond right up the the edge of the track boxes.
30. One other suggestion is if you do have some imperfections or voids at the seams, the use of a resin cabosil slur can be spread to level these then follow up with the S-glass/Carbon lamination schedule. Note: if you do not use carbon fiber then I would suggest at least 3 layers of S-glass or comparable schedule.
31. At this point you have finished the box install and your board build process can continue from here. If it is a retro install into an existing board then you are good to go.
Foil Cassette Install PDF!!